Erika Bass
Assistant Professor of English
English-Teaching Advisor

2010 Bartlett Hall
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Erika Bass
Assistant Professor of English
English-Teaching Advisor
Erika Bass is an Assistant Professor of English Education. Her teaching and research focus on the preparation of English teachers, writing instruction, and rural education. In her teaching, she encourages future teachers to provide an equitable education through dialogic and critical pedagogies. Her research draws on theories of dialogism, critical pedagogy, and a critical pedagogy of place. She uses these theories as lenses through which she can examine rural student and teacher experiences, as well as how preservice teaches connect their university coursework with classroom practice.
Erika received a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction and Virginia Tech. She completed a B.A. in Integrated Language Arts at The University of Akron and her M.A. in Literature from Radford University. She has taught in a variety of contexts from high school teaching to university education and teacher professional development.