Dr. Carl Thurman

Office - MSH 083
Research Lab - MSH 074
(319) 273-2276
Directory Contact
Dr. Carl Thurman
- 2009 Fulbright Fellowship; Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil
- 2007-2008 University Distinguished Scholar
- 2006 CNS Dean's Award for Superior Achievement in Research
- Senior Postdoc.
- The University of Nebraska Medical Center - Omaha (2003)
- The University of Texas Medical School at Houston(1990; 1999)
- Junior Postdoc.
- Washington University Medical School (1984-1989)
- The Medical College of Ohio at Toledo (1979 -1983
- Degrees
- Ph.D. 1980 University of Minnesota (Zoology)
- M.S. 1973 University of West Florida (Marine Science)
- B.S. 1969 University of Houston (Biology)
Teaching Interests
BIOLOGY. Marine science; reef biology; neurobiology; endocrinology; comparative animal physiology; fiddler crabs; diabetes.
Research Interests
Cellular mechanisms of physiological regulation. Biophysical regulation of ion channel kinetics in plasma and artificial membranes. Control of membrane conductance in epithelial cells by hormones and neurotransmitters. Ion and osmotic regulation in semiterrestrial brachyurans. Biological rhythms in shallow water, marine organisms.
Professional Accomplishments