Danielle Dick McGeough
she, her, hers
Associate Professor, Communication

335 Lang Hall
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Danielle Dick McGeough
she, her, hers
Associate Professor, Communication
Danielle’s current research focuses on how performance is used for collaborative problem solving, community building and social justice work, specifically with regards to issues of waste and sanitation. She is interested in how everyday life performances (i.e., routine family storytelling or bathroom practices) maintain, reproduce, and challenge cultural norms. Her other research interests span the topics of adolescent sexuality and desire, critical pedagogy, the relationship between art and science, and gendered/sexed communication. Furthermore, Danielle co-authors the Gender in Communication: A Critical Introduction textbook with colleagues Victoria DeFrancisco and Catherine Palczewski. She is also endlessly active in writing, adapting, compiling, and directing shows for the Interpreters’ Theatre. Cornucopia was performed in 2017 and WASTED in 2014. She is on the editorial board of Kaleidoscope.
Ph.D. Louisiana State University
Danielle teaches courses in cultural performance, qualitative research, performance and social change, community and communication, as well as public speaking and oral communication. In addition to her teaching, Danielle is artistic director of the Interpreters Theatre, where she collaborates with students in devising ensemble performances. She views the theatre as a classroom and a laboratory for students to research, play, experiment, and learn about themselves and others. She actively contributes to the Graduate Program and specializes in qualitative research. She is a member of the Women and Gender Studies Advisory Board.
Performance studies, ethnography, autoethnography, environmental communication, communication and advocacy, creativity and learning.