Tom Hall
he, him, his
Associate Professor, Organizational Communication
Associate Department Head

316 Lang Hall
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Tom Hall
he, him, his
Associate Professor, Organizational Communication
Associate Department Head
Tom comes to Iowa by way of Arkansas and Oklahoma--that’s where he did his MA and Ph.D. work respectively, both in organizational communication. Tom is interested in corporate social responsibility, organizational culture and identity, and leadership and team-building. He has examined NGO politics and insurgency, in particular studying the institutional structures and change processes of NGO influence.
His most recent article titled "Cultural analysis of corporate social action" was published in Business and Society Review in late 2018. He also travels regularly to Europe (Germany, the UK, and Belgium) to teach courses on intercultural, international, and political communication for US service people and NATO through Advanced Programs.
Tom directed the graduate program from 2011-2018, and co-authored a departmental graduate-level textbook about research methods. Currently he helps the department as Associate Department Head.
Ph.D. Communication Studies, University of Oklahoma
A gifted and enthusiastic teacher, Tom’s main teaching interests are in organizational communication, leadership, organizational culture, international communication, and qualitative methods. He has also taught classes in political communication, intercultural communication, and ethics. When he is not doing research, teaching, or service for UNI, Tom is probably listening to music or attending concerts, reading, or playing board games.
Corporate social responsibility, organizational culture and identity, leadership and team-building.