David Grant

Professor of English

David Grant

1042 Bartlett Hall

(319) 273-2639

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David Grant

Professor of English

Dr. Grant received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, an M.A. from Northern Arizona University and a B.A. from Winona State University. Both his Ph.D. and M.A. are in composition and rhetoric, while his B.A. is in Literature with a writing emphasis. In addition to Madison, Flagstaff, and Winona, Dr. Grant has lived in Waseca and St. Paul in Minnesota as well as Tampa, Florida. In addition to a career in academia, he has worked for environmental change with Greenpeace, organic farming and prairie restoration. Dr. Grant's experiences in many different places have led him to explore connections between place, nature and writing. His current research interests concern the ways writing and invention are connected to environments and bound up in ecological systems. As ecological beings, Dr. Grant believes we are connected to our environments through our bodies and our culture. Confluences between the material and discursive hold "affordances" for activity like invention, even though the outcome of that activity is marked by contingency and indeterminacy​.  Dr. Grant currently teaches several writing courses within the Department of Languages and Literatures as well as Native American Rhetoric and Literature. He hopes to bring perspectives informed by critical theory and classical rhetoric to the UNI curriculum and Writing Programs. 


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison 
M.A., Northern Arizona University
B.A., Winona State University  

Research Interests
  • Rhetoric and composition
  • Native American studies