Penny Wang
Associate Professor of Instruction of Chinese and TESOL

2041 Bartlett Hall
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Penny Wang
Associate Professor of Instruction of Chinese and TESOL
Dr. Penny Wang (Ph.D. in Language, Literacy, and Technology, Washington State University) is an editor, researcher, translator, bilingual writer, online course developer. She is the editor-in chief of the Handbook of Research on Foreign Language Education in the Digital Age, the associate lead of the Chinese Language Teachers Association USA--EdTech SIG, and the vice president of the Iowa Chinese Language Teachers Association. She has a master's degree in Bilingual/ELL Education and B.A. in English.
Her research focuses primarily upon computer assisted language learning, cross-cultural psychology, and teachers' awareness of development and cultural studies. Her qualitative and quantitative research has appeared in the International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. She presents regularly at conferences such as ACTFL, NCOLCTL, CLTA, and NAR bicentennial. Across the United States and China, she has developed a variety of technology-enhanced face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses offered in synchronous and asynchronous formats for four universities and over 10 programs.
She has taught a wide array of university courses, including Beginning to Advanced Chinese language, culture, literature, media, history, and instructional technology, as well as EFL/ESL education at the K-12 level. At the University of Northern Iowa, she relishes working with her colleagues in Languages and Literatures. In addition to academic publications, she has also published short stories in Chinese, traditional and digital art works, a children's book, and translations. With an interest in bridging cultures and introducing Asian artists to western audiences, she has performed many Chinese English translations of international research projects, poetry, interviews, documentaries, commercials, and non-profit organizations. She reviews translated poetry for the North American Review, the oldest literary magazine in the United States.
She enjoys her collaboration with diverse researchers on international research projects and technology-assisted learning programs for student-athletes, migrant students, preservice teachers, and international scholars.
Ph.D. in Language, Literacy and Technology, Washington State University
M.Ed. in Bilingual/ELL Education, Washington State University
- 24 Courses Developed and/or Taught in the U.S. (undergraduate to graduate level)
- Teacher Education & Technology
- LANG 4093 Technology in Language Teaching (online course) T & L 466 Secondary Methods of Educational Technology
- T & L 517 Educational Technology in K-8 Schools
- Chinese as Foreign Language Moodie Online Course for Teachers
- (Designed as part of a ESL teacher education course to improve English-speaking K-12 teaches linguistic, cultural and technological awareness of English Language Learners' learning obstacles)
- Culture, history & international studies
- GenEd 110 World Civilization I
- Chin 1086 Studies in Chinese Culture
- FDCA 205 Foundation: China (blended course)
- HUM 3124 Non-Western Culture: China (Liberal Arts Core)
- HUM 3124 Non-Western Culture: China (Online course under development) Intst 345 Chinese Culture
- Chin 345 Chinese Culture
- CAP 3550: Constructing Cross-cultural Bridges: China (Study Abroad/Liberal Arts Core)
- Language
- Chin 1001 Elementary Chinese I
- Chin 1001 Elementary Chinese I (Online)
- Chin 1011 Elementary Chinese II (Blended course) Chin 1059 Chinese Conversation
- Chin 105 Beginning Chinese: Beginning Conversation Chin 201 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I
- Chin 202 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II Chin 301 Advanced Mandarin Chinese I
- Chin 302 Advanced Mandarin Chinese II (Chinese media) Chin 490 Independent Study (Business, Media, etc.)
- Literature, Film & Translation
- Chin 347 Chinese Literature Translation (survey course)
- Chin 1086 Studies in Chinese Film (Study of recent Chinese cinematic trends)
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- Second Language Acquisition
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Translation