Lyn Countryman, Ph.D.

Head, Department of Teaching, and Professor

Lyn Countryman, Ph.D.

SEC 153C

(319) 273-2614

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Lyn Countryman, Ph.D.

Head, Department of Teaching, and Professor


B.S., Zoology, Iowa State University, 1980 M.S., Science Education, University of Iowa, 1987 Ph. D., Science Education, University of Iowa, 1992

Teaching Interests

Technology Tools in the Classroom
Social views of the Nature of Science
Constructivist Teaching Practices
Assessing Teacher Performance
Investing Students in Leadership in Schools

Professional Accomplishments

Countryman, L and J. Maroo, (2015), Special Speciation, The Biology Teacher, 77:2, pp. 145-147.

Countryman, L. and M. Schroeder, (1996) Student-led Parent Conferences:

Middle School Reforms That Work,   Educational Leadership, 53: 7.

Countryman, L.  Overview,  Thought and Action,  Fall, 1996.

Countryman, L.  (1994)  Make Science Relevant, Recent, and Responsive,.  Science Scope, 17: 8.

Countryman, L. (1994) Students Leading Their Own Conference,  Middle Level Educator, 13: 1.

Unruh, R., Countryman, L. and T. Cooney. (1992)  Cycling Your Students Through  Physics.  The Science Teacher,  59: 5.