Bill Harwood
Department Head & Professor of Chemistry

243 McCollum Science Hall
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Bill Harwood
Department Head & Professor of Chemistry
Post-doctoral Chemical Education; SERAPHIM Fellow, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI (Sept 1986 - May 1987) Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry; Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (May 1986) B.S. Chemistry (cum laude); University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (May 1980)
Petrucci, R.H., Harwood, W.S., Herring, F.G., & Madura, J. (2006), General Chemistry - Principles and Modern Applications, ninth edition, New York: Prentice Hall
Kazempour, M; Harwood, W.S.; Bonner, J.J. (in review). Exploring Students' Perceptions of Science and Inquiry in a Reform-based Undergraduate Program for Biology Students. J. College Science Teaching.
Lotter, C.; Harwood, W.S.; Bonner, J.J (2007). The influence of core teaching conceptions on teachers' use of inquiry teaching practices. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(9), 1318-1347.
Lotter, C.; Harwood, W.S.; Bonner, J.J. (2006). Overcoming a Learning Bottleneck: Inquiry Professional Development for Secondary Science Teachers. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 17(3), 185-216.
Harwood, W.S.; Hansen, J.; Lotter, C. (2006). Measuring teacher beliefs about inquiry: A blended qualitative/quantitative instrument. Journal of Science Education & Technology, 17(1), 71-82.
Harwood, W.S.; & Korkmaz, A. (2005). An Online Tutorial for Learning Molecular Symmetry and Point Groups. Journal of Chemical Education: Webware.
Harwood, W.S., Reiff, R., & Phillipson, T. (2005). Putting the Puzzle Together: Scientists'Metaphors for Scientific Inquiry. Science Educator, 14(1), 25-30.
Harwood, W.S. (2004). A New Model for Inquiry: Is the Scientific Method Dead? Journal of College Science Teaching, 33(7), 29-33.