Elizabeth Sutton

Department Head

Professor, Art History

Elizabeth Sutton

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Elizabeth Sutton

Department Head

Professor, Art History

   Personal Web Site

I am an art historian and art educator. My research specialization is in the visual culture produced in the sixteenth and seventeenth century Netherlands, and how print and visual culture helped shape European ideas and rhetoric about empire and power that continue to resonate today. More recently, I have published on animal and environmental art and ethics, and how a phenomenology of art can illuminate these issues. My edited volume on Women Artists and Patrons in the Netherlands and monograph chronicling the handmade objects by Ho-Chunk artist Angel De Cora and Norwegian immigrant Karen Thronson continue to engage feminist and decolonial theories.

Courses Taught 

  • ARTHIST 1111 Survey Art History I
  • ARTHIST 1222 Survey Art History II
  • ARTHIST 4302 Northern Renaissance Art (online odd summers)
  • ARTHIST 4303 Italian Renaissance Art (online even summers)
  • ARTHIST/WGS  4310  17-18th C. Art
  • ARTHIST/WGS 4320  19th C. Art
  • ARTHIST 4350 Early 20th Century Art
  • ARTHIST/WGS 4362 Late 20th Century and Contemporary Art
  • ARTHIST 4608  Arts of Africa
  • ARTHIST 4950 Race and Representation in Art
  • ARTHIST 4000  Seminar for Art History Majors: Research Methods and Writing
  • ARTED 6200 Curriculum and Pedagogy in Art Education
  • ARTED 6500 Graduate Seminar: Research and Writing
  • WGS 1040 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies 

Ph.D, MA, University of Iowa; B.A. Art History, Carleton College

Teaching Interests

17th century art; women’s, gender and sexuality studies; curriculum and pedagogy in art education

Research Interests

art and animals; feminist issues in art history; prints of animals