Dawn Del Carlo
Professor - Chemical Education

281 McCollum Science Hall
(319) 273-3296
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Dawn Del Carlo
Professor - Chemical Education
B.A., 1995, Augustana College
M.S. 1998, Purdue University
Ph.D. 2001, Purdue University
Research Interests
There are two basic areas of research I am involved in:
- My primary interest is in how students at all levels approach data acquisition in their chemistry laboratory classes. More specifically, how do students approach an experiment, what are their views toward that experiment, and how do their views affect their approach and data analysis. These issues can be directly related to students perceptions of academic dishonesty in the classroom laboratory.
- Closely related to the first topic, I have worked over the years to develop new approaches to teaching chemistry lab (in General Chemistry specifically), including adopting both the Science Writing Heuristic and Argument-Driven Inquiry approaches to the general chemistry laboratory experience. Research on the effectiveness of implementation of each of those approaches is ongoing and includes continued improvement of the pedagogy.