Oct 23, 2023

Physics Colloquium October 25, 2023: Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Fellowship Reports

Physics department students will be giving presentations on their findings during their 2023 Summer Research Fellowship. Sabryn Labenz, Haley Harms, Brandon Schmidt and Blaine Williams will be presenting on the following: Decoding Destabilization: The Effect of Disruption of the RAD51:RAD51 Interface on Nucleoprotein Filament Stability and Integrity, Cu Quantum Growth on MoS2, Pressure induced modification of electronic and magnetic properties of MnCrNbAI and MnCrTaAI & Stochastic Simulation of RAD51 protein interactions with DNA lattice.

Presentations will be held on October 25, 2023 at 4:00 PM in Begeman Hall Room 114.
