UNI Sustainability and Environmental Student Advisory Board

This board facilitates student engagement and leadership to build a vibrant campus community that is economically sound, environmentally responsible and resilient. 

Students whose majors, research and service work to activate the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainable systems – make up this board.

Advisory Board Objectives:

  • Carry out the goals and missions for interdisciplinary initiatives related to sustainability curriculum and community engagement.
  • Collaborate with UNI administrators,  facility managers/staff and faculty to foster and maintain sustainability initiatives across campus, our local and regional communities.
  • Broaden ownership across UNI's Sustainability curriculum and provide opportunities to enhance student engagement on and off campus.   



Mia Balong Senior Supply Chain Management 
Connor Doyle* Sophomore Enviro. Resource Management: Geosystems 
Jada DachtlerJuniorInteractive Digital Studies
Jayden Daugherty Sophomore Environmental Science
Lauren EirpFreshman Enviro. Resource Management: Geosystems 
Marshall HackbartFreshman History & Environmental Science 
Erin Kennedy SophomoreEnvironmental Science 
Olivia Merksick Senior Environmental Science 
Ashleigh Pape Sophomore Environmental Science 
Trina SchmadekeJunior Political Science 
Parker Scott Sophomore Environmental Science
Alysa SkriloffJunior Biology
Lindsey StabenowSophomorePsychology & Interactive Digital Studies
Sophia Thompson Junior Environmental Science

*Northern Iowa Student Government Sustainability Leader