Religious Studies

You don’t have to be religious to study religion. Knowing what people believe, and why, can help teachers in the classroom, patients in a hospital or clients in businesses.

If the varied ways in which humans have imagined and attempted to communicate with the sacred scriptures, rituals and ethics engages you, we invite you to consider a major in Religious Studies at UNI.

Maybe you have observed that when humans confront the big questions of life, they may turn to the world's religious traditions and answers. Perhaps you have been intrigued by the many gods and goddesses of the Hindu tradition, the rituals of fasting or pilgrimage, or the Buddhist concept of evil. If so, a major in Religious Studies might be for you. 

students in a study of religion class
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Top Program

You don't have to be religious to study religion.  A religion major will make you stand out to employers!

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In-Demand Skills

The critical thinking, writing, and speaking skills you develop in the Religious Studies major set you up for success in any career you pursue.

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Career Prep

We’ll help you translate your major into the skills employers want in our Senior Seminar.


Find out More About the Religious Studies

Fill out your information here and we'll be in touch!

Contact us directly at:

Department of Philosophy & World Religions
University of Northern Iowa
Bartlett Hall 1089
Cedar Falls, IA 50614

Phone: (319) 273-6221

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Majoring in the study of religion lends itself to a number of different career choices. Our grads have gone on to professional training in:

  • Law
  • Higher education
  • Counseling and social work
  • Medicine
  • Ministry
  • Business (particularly international business)
  • Journalism

Others have moved directly into the job market, taking up positions in:

  • Government, foreign service, or the Peace Corps
  • Non-profit agencies
  • Marketing and management
  • Museums and the arts
  • Publishing
prelaw student holding a book


  • New Testament and Early Christian Writings

Introduction to the history and ideas of the New Testament, taking into account both its relationship with the Israelite/Jewish religious traditions from which it emerged and the political, social, and cultural influences of its neighbors (particularly Persia, Greece, and Rome).

/ Religion and the Public Schools

This course focuses on the role of religion in public education and how it has been lived, legislated, and adjudicated in complicated (and sometimes contradictory) ways.

  • Religion & Politics

Students will familiarize themselves with the ways religion shapes aspects of public life, such as elections, public activism, policy-making, civil service, and civic discourse.

student in a classroom looking at the camera


Majoring in the study of religion lends itself to a number of different career choices. Our grads have gone on to professional training in:

  • Law
  • Higher education
  • Counseling and social work
  • Medicine
  • Ministry
  • Business (particularly international business)
  • Journalism

Others have moved directly into the job market, taking up positions in:

  • Government, foreign service, or the Peace Corps
  • Non-profit agencies
  • Marketing and management
  • Museums and the arts
  • Publishing
prelaw student holding a book


  • New Testament and Early Christian Writings

Introduction to the history and ideas of the New Testament, taking into account both its relationship with the Israelite/Jewish religious traditions from which it emerged and the political, social, and cultural influences of its neighbors (particularly Persia, Greece, and Rome).

/ Religion and the Public Schools

This course focuses on the role of religion in public education and how it has been lived, legislated, and adjudicated in complicated (and sometimes contradictory) ways.

  • Religion & Politics

Students will familiarize themselves with the ways religion shapes aspects of public life, such as elections, public activism, policy-making, civil service, and civic discourse.

student in a classroom looking at the camera

The Study of Religion Club (STORC)

STORC is a student organization that is aimed towards creating a welcoming and open environment for the discussion of religion as it relates to topics like popular culture, current events, and society in an academic setting. We meet on various Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for a variety of events! For more information you can find us on Facebook @STORC.UNI or email us at to be added to our email list!


Interested in Graduate School in Religion?

Students preparing for ministry or for graduate professional education in theology or religious studies, regardless of major, are advised to consult with the department head, Susan Hill, who will help them plan an undergraduate program appropriately designed for their professional interests.