Religious Studies

It is difficult to study history, sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, literature and many other areas without understanding how religious views and ideas function in culture. 

A Religious Studies minor at UNI will give you the opportunity to:

  • explore the history, culture and texts of the major human religions
  • analyze a variety of different belief systems
  • critically examine social and ethical dimensions of religious world views

The Religious Studies minor is 18 hours and requires "Religions of the World" and five other religion courses of your choice.

Student explaining something with laptop on the desk.
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Top Program

You don't have to be religious to study religion.  A religion minor will help you stand out to employers!


Successful Grads

The religion minor goes with every major!  Knowing about religion can help you communicate effectively with people from many different backgrounds and cultures.

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Grad School Ready

Want to go to graduate school? A religion minor can help you enhance your writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills!

Find out more about Religious Studies

‌Required Courses

Contact us directly at:

Department of Philosophy & World Religions
University of Northern Iowa
Bartlett Hall 1089
Cedar Falls, IA 50614

Phone: (319) 273-6221