CS Endorsements
Study computer science at UNI – the state’s leader in teacher preparation
There is a growing demand for computer science courses in schools across the U.S., and along with that, there’s a growing demand for teachers with computer science knowledge who can lead those courses.
The Computer Science endorsement at UNI is the first CS teacher preparation program in the state and is built on over a decade of work with in-service and pre-service teachers.
Our courses are carefully designed to align with the CSTA Standards for K-12 Students and the CSTA Standards for Computer Science Teachers.
While the majority of the instruction and work is completed online, each course includes a limited number of face-to-face sessions to facilitate this interaction. These sessions are a combination of synchronous online meetings and when applicable, actual face-to-face meetups at an AEA near you.
Note: this certificate is designed specifically for educators. These courses and this certificate are not intended for computer science majors.

The University of Northern Iowa is home to a nationally-recognized teacher preparation program, known for its excellence.
in Iowa
The UNI Department of Computer Science was the first in the state to offer a computer science endorsement for teachers.

Job Growth
The demand for computer science professionals is expected to grow much faster than average between 2020 and 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Find out more about K-12 Computer Science
We are currently collecting contact information from teachers interested in participating in future cohorts of our program. To register interest please use this web form.