
Join TheatreUNI for a free workshop!

The University of Northern Iowa Department of Theatre is pleased to announce a new outreach program for Iowa high schools, and we would like to invite you and your students to participate! TheatreUNI is pleased to offer a variety of workshops to high schools at no cost.

Designed by our own faculty, these workshops are geared toward high school theatre students and are aimed at supplementing and extending your curriculum and extra-curricular programs. While the program is designed to come to you, we are also happy to host you on campus and offer your students the opportunity to tour our facilities and meet some of our current students.

Browse our workshops


Audition Technique (General or Musical Theatre)

This workshop teaches students how to rock an audition. It will cover material selection and preparation, what to expect at an audition, and how to be your best self in the audition room. There will also be time for Q&A.


Stage Combat

This workshop will introduce fundamental concepts of unarmed stage combat with an emphasis on safety, realism and storytelling.

Meisner approach

Introduction to the Meisner Approach 

This workshop will introduce the "Repetition Exercise", "Pinch and Ouch" and Meisner's "Three Moment Game"; cementing the notion that everything we do in acting is partner focused, as opposed to focusing on self.

set design

Quick Planning Strategies for Design Solutions

Having trouble with ideas for scenery in your theatre?  This workshop is an exploration of design evolution based upon your available stock and stock you might want to develop in the future.

roll the dice

Roll the Dice

This workshop will explore the fun of aleatory story telling. Participants will work with dice tools and image cards to start and continue narratives, developing improvisation and playwriting skills.


Improv for the Actor

This workshop builds acting skills through improvisation. The workshop includes games and exercises designed to help performers think on their feet, gain confidence, and trust in their own creative impulse.

character creation

Physical Character Creation

This workshop will explore various movement based acting techniques to help performers create more realistic and physical characters.

stage management

Stage Management 

This workshop will cover the basics of stage management and can be tailored to focus on paperwork, calling, taking blocking or any combination thereof.


Lighting 101

When you combine red light and green light you get ... what? Discover (rediscover?) basic lighting theory and enhance your lighting designs.


Storytelling with Puppets

Participants will learn the basics of puppetry performing, exploring both individual and group operated puppets through found object puppetry and improvised action sequences.



Studying Theatre in College

This workshop will explore theatre in college. From discussing different types of programs (BA, BFA, University, Conservatory, etc) to what to look for in a program, to what questions to ask, students will leave the workshop with an excellent picture of theatre in higher education.


Introduction to Michael Chekhov's Approach for Characterization 

This workshop will explore creating imaginative and full bodied characterizations utilizing Michael Chekhov's "Centers", "Qualities of Movement", and "Psychological Gesture".

scene painting

Entry Level Scene Painting

Want your settings to have a professional polish? Don't have expensive theatrical paint brushes? This workshop is an examination of painting techniques derived from readily available household objects.

rope care

Basic Knot Tying and Rope Care

This workshop is an introduction to the knots that are most commonly used in theatre and the proper care and storage of your theatre's cordage.

Theatrical Makeup Workshops: 

Bringing out Animals: A workshop that might help you do those children’s theatre shows with a cast of creatures. This workshop shares techniques for creating realistic OR stylized animals through theatrical makeup techniques. 

‌‌Blood and Gore Techniques: Wounds, cuts, scrapes, burns, bullet holes, scars and blood. This workshop helps explore makeup techniques for stage or Halloween. Recipes for blood on a budget included.‌

‌Zombie Apocalypse: Nothing is more fun than creating Zombies! This workshop helps explore makeup techniques, including discussion of how character analysis can lead to specific choices for creating an Undead with a Backstory.   Demo to retail products and some home-made options.

Old Age: Want to look just like your grandparents? This workshop is an introduction to concepts of creating an older character through makeup and practical techniques for makeup application when you need to look older onstage.

Ready to sign up?

If you have any questions, please contact Katy McGlaughlin at We hope to hear from you soon!

Theatre Workshops Registration

Theatre Director's Name