Immerse yourself in the world of theatre
Some of the best learning happens beyond the classroom. As a theatre major, you’ll get the chance to travel to various conferences, tours and performances around the nation – opening new doors and new opportunities for your future.
Additional Opportunities as a Theatre major
Attend a Professional Production
The department regularly arranges opportunities for students to travel to major metropolitan areas in the region to attend professional productions. Trips to such venues as Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre, the Guthrie in Minneapolis and the Des Moines Civic Center have been supported with departmental experiential learning funding.

The department encourages students to seek professional theatre work in the summer and professional internships at any time of the year. To that end, the department helps students identify and prepare for appropriate auditions and also helps students pursue professional internships as a way to partially fulfill degree requirements.

Study Abroad
The department, in cooperation with the university, also provides numerous opportunities for students to study abroad in such places as Poland, Russia, Japan, England, Mexico, Spain and Germany. Most recently, students have participated in Master Classes in Acting at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Dramatic Arts in Russia.

Attend a Professional Production
The department regularly arranges opportunities for students to travel to major metropolitan areas in the region to attend professional productions. Trips to such venues as Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre, the Guthrie in Minneapolis and the Des Moines Civic Center have been supported with departmental experiential learning funding.

The department encourages students to seek professional theatre work in the summer and professional internships at any time of the year. To that end, the department helps students identify and prepare for appropriate auditions and also helps students pursue professional internships as a way to partially fulfill degree requirements.

Study Abroad
The department, in cooperation with the university, also provides numerous opportunities for students to study abroad in such places as Poland, Russia, Japan, England, Mexico, Spain and Germany. Most recently, students have participated in Master Classes in Acting at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Dramatic Arts in Russia.

Find funding for experiential and professional learning
Experiential Learning Funding
These awards are typically in the $75 to $100 range and can be used to attend professional theatre productions, and to assist in covering the cost of workshops and conferences.
Phelps Conference/Audition Support Fund
Long-time TheatreUNI supporter Dianne Phelps has provided funding that is primarily intended to help students attend combined auditions and theatre-specific conferences (like USITT or SETC.) Group travel to professional productions is also supported.
Students should consult with a faculty member or contact the department office to request access to this funding.

Wise Broadway Tour
Each year, our department sends two or three theatre majors (must be juniors) to travel to New York City. There, they have the opportunity to see several Broadway shows and to experience other cultural offerings of the city.
This experience was made possible by the generosity of Bob Wise – a theatre enthusiast and UNI alum who wanted to provide a unique opportunity for students. The gift specifies that selected students must have a minimum 3.0 theatre major GPA.
Application Process
To apply for this opportunity, please provide an essay (1-2 pages) that explains your goals for a trip to New York City. Discuss why you want to go and what you envision to be the ideal itinerary for you. How will this trip enable your growth as a theatre artist? What connections do you hope to achieve? Approval on applications will require that you show thorough research on possible opportunities, both theatrical and non-theatrical. It is important that you provide a very specific itinerary based on that research and communicate how that itinerary meets your interests and goals. You should anticipate that you would leave early enough on a Thursday to see a show that evening, and return on a Monday morning. As part of your itinerary, theatre faculty and staff will assist you in making contacts to meet with theatre alumni in the city.
Applications are due in late March for travel in November. Bring your completed application into the theatre office at Communication Arts Center 257.