Friends Of TheatreUNI
Your support makes a difference
Friends of TheatreUNI is a non-profit organization of volunteers, faculty, and alumni who raise funds for the University of Northern Iowa Department of Theatre and its students. Friends support the university's theatre productions through scholarships, departmental purchases, and meals. In fact, 90% of all Friends donations go directly to the students.
If you have any questions about supporting the work you see on stage, contact Katrina Sandvik, Friends of TheatreUNI President at
We'll see you at the show!

Join the Friends of TheatreUNI!
Friends of Theatre UNI is always accepting new members! Benefits include having your name printed in the program of all Theatre UNI productions, priority seat reservations, and invitations to special events and celebrations.
Joining the Friends of TheatreUNI is simple – just visit our online giving form! By giving at the sponsor level ($75) you'll become a Friend, and enjoy the perks that come along with it!
Join Friends of TheatreUNI, make a difference
Friends of Theatre UNI is always accepting new members. Benefits include having your name printed in the program of all Theatre UNI productions, priority seat reservations, and invitations to special events and celebrations.
Friends is a nonprofit group from which the Department of Theatre at UNI profits enormously. Friends of Theatre UNI works to increase community awareness of the UNI theatre program while raising funds to provide special extras that patrons and student appreciate.
Contributions by Friends have included coat racks in the Strayer-Wood Theatre lobby, a listening system for the hearing-impaired, and providing tickets for underserved audiences. With an emphasis on student support, 90% of the funds raised by Friends of Theatre UNI goes directly to students to help pay tuition.
Early ticket sales and ticket discounts (from 15% up to 40%) for the Theatre UNI season are available to Friends members. Just join at the sponsor level ($75) or above, and then call UNItix once you have your receipt from the UNI Foundation.
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