
What is a publication? A publication is an article, a book, or a magazine that has been published on one subject or related subjects to give factual information to the general public.

Our Physics Department has been a part of many different publications. Take a look at the links below to view some of the interesting information on the many different components of Physics! 

Biological Physics

Theodore L. Steck, S. M. Ali Tabei, Yvonne Lange, ”Estimating the Cholesterol Affinity of Integral Membrane Proteins from Experimental Data”, Biochemistry, 63, 19-26 (2024)

Theodore L. Steck, S. M. Ali Tabei, Yvonne Lange, ”A basic model for the association of ligands with membrane cholesterol: application to cytolysin binding”, Journal of Lipid Research, 22(12), 100344 (2023)

Physics & Science Education

Goldberg, F., Price, E., Basir, M., Escalada, L., Maier, S., Sahyun, S., Snyder, T., & Zeng, L. (2024). Value Creation in a Pedagogically-focused Faculty Online Learning Community.  Journal of College Science Teaching.

Accepted for Publication on 8/13/23.