Undergraduate Research
Discovery Starts Here
One of the best things about UNI is that any student who wants to get involved in research can easily find opportunities. Throughout the year, students can perform research for credit, or just for fun. Through our Summer Undergraduate Research Program, students can even get paid to conduct research!
Working side-by-side with professors, you’ll build your resume, develop practical skills that set you apart from the crowd, and have the chance to publish your work for the world to see. And unlike larger universities, we don’t save these experiences exclusively for graduate students. We encourage discovery and exploration every step of the way.
Preserving a lifetime of research
A group of UNI students is curating a collection of preserved crabs for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City that will help future researchers study the species and the human impacts on its habitat.
The discovery of a lifetime
Led by nothing more than the soft glow of their lanterns, a crew of students from the University of Northern Iowa trek into the winding depths of Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota.
UNI undergrad discovers long-sought gene
University of Northern Iowa junior Ashley Campbell had just made the biggest scientific discovery of her life, but it took a moment for the truth to sink in.

Taking Computer Science to New Heights
For the past several years, students in the department have been heavily focused on drone programming. Thanks to a generous donation, the department was able to purchase a drone cage, allowing students to better test and troubleshoot their drones outdoors.