Dean's Fund for Excellence
The education and betterment of our students, the creative and scholarly activities of our dedicated faculty, and the outreach efforts within Iowa and beyond are the ways that we work to promote student success. Your support will go a long way in moving us steadily toward meeting these goals and maintaining excellence within CHAS.
There are many scholarships and awards worthy of your support within each of our departments. Additionally, the CHAS Dean's Fund for Excellence (DFFE) gives the Dean the flexibility to direct resources to areas where funds might otherwise be limited. State funds continue to decrease, and most of those funds have restrictions on how they can be used.
Your support gives us the ability to provide critical resources for programs that make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. Our DFFE supports such things as scholarships, undergraduate research, study abroad opportunities, and expenses for student/faculty participation in conferences and professional development. Consider making a DFFE donation today by giving directly to the Dean’s Fund for the Arts & Humanities or the Dean’s Fund for the Sciences.
The students, faculty and I all thank you for your friendship and support!
John Fritch
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences

Dean’s Fund for the Sciences
Gifts to the Dean's Fund for Excellence are used to enhance student opportunities and programs. It provides support to the following:
- Student travel to professional conferences to present the results of their summer research with faculty
- Undergraduate research associates, working with faculty in science laboratories beginning as freshmen
- Faculty to develop online courses to meet the needs of Iowans across the state
- Purchase of the latest software for UNI students to prepare them for Iowa's future

Dean’s Fund for the Arts & Humanities
Gifts to the Dean's Fund for Excellence are used to enhance student opportunities and programs. It gives UNI students the ability to do the following things, among many others!
- Translate for immigrants
- Attend national conferences in the arts
- Develop into public artists
- Study abroad and learn about other cultures
- Work at our campus literary publication "The North American Review"