Hispanic Cultures Certificate

This certificate combines advanced Spanish language instruction with course work in the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. It is recommended for students whose majors cover related areas such as History, Anthropology or Sociology.

To find out more, see the UNI catalog listing for the Certificate in Hispanic Cultures or contact your advisor.

Languages and Literatures Features

A Discussion with Lyz Lenz

Tue, Oct 08 2024
5:00pm - 6:00pm
A discussion with Lyz LenzNew York Times Best-selling author of This American Ex-Wife, Belabored, and Godland.moderated by Northern Iowa Feminists5-6 pm, Tuesday October 8Scholar Space, Rod Library light refreshments to follow Copies of Belabored will be available courtesy of Northern Iowa Feministsto participate in pre-discussion reading, contact feminists@uni.edu  Free and open to all. Event sponsored by:Department of ArtHonors ProgramRod LibraryWomen's and Gender StudiesDepartment of Languages & LiteraturesCollege of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences