What We're Reading Volume 1
So many books, so little time! Here's a way to make sure what you're reading is worth your while.
These reviews of books released in 2017 were written by UNI English M.A. students as part of a Fall 2017 graduate seminar. Students were free to choose any book they thought they might find interesting. The results follow. Questions or comments? Let Jim O'Loughlin know.
The Cottingley Secret by Hazel Gaylor
• review by Polly Alfano
Girl in Disguise by Greer MacAllister
• review by Elizabeth Dickhut
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
• review by Arielle Irvine
The Radium Girls by Kate Moore
• review by Hannah Lane
Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
• review by Jim O'Loughlin
Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown
• review by Jeremy Roberts
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
• review by Charles Saini
What are we even doing with our lives? by Chelsea Marshall and Mary Dauterman
• review by Julia Teichert