2022 French Film Festival
2022 Festival du film français
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After signing up, you will be sent a weekly email with streaming directions.
Stream these French language films (subtitled in English) or your own computer, and join the Zoom discussion online or in person. / Regardez les films (sous-titrés en anglais) en streaming sur votre ordinateur, puis participez aux séances de discussion en visioconférence ou en présentiel.
Week of Jan. 23 Petite fille / Little Girl
Discussion: Mon. Jan. 31 @ 7 p.m. (ScholarSpace and on Zoom)
Week of Jan. 30 Un film dramatique / A Dramatic Film
Discussion: Mon. Feb. 7 @ 7 p.m. (ScholarSpace and on Zoom)
Week of Feb. 6 Sélection de court-métrages d’Alain Resnais / Early Shorts by Alain Resnais
Discussion: Tues. Feb. 15 @ 7 p.m. (ScholarSpace and on Zoom)
Week of Feb. 13 La nuit des rois / Night of the Kings
Discussion: Mon. Feb. 21 @ 7 p.m. (ScholarSpace and on Zoom)
Week of Feb. 20 La permission / The Story of a Three Day Pass
Discussion: Mon. Feb. 28 @ 7 p.m. (ScholarSpace and on Zoom)
Week of Feb. 27 Le joli mai / The Lovely Month of May
Discussion: Mon. March 7 @ 7 p.m. (ScholarSpace and on Zoom)
Click HERE to sign up!
This series is sponsored by the Department of Languages & Literatures, the UNI French Program Fund and the College of Humanities and Fine Arts (CHAS) as part of the 10th Anniversary of CHAS celebration. Co-sponsors include the Departments of Art, Communication & Media, Curriculum & Instruction, History, Philosophy & World Religions, Special Education, Theatre and the School of Music. This festival is presented in conjunction with the Franco American Cultural Exchange (FACE) Foundation's Albertine Cinémathèque festival, which is made possible by the generous support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée and the Franco American Cultural Fund.
Email HERE with questions.