Botanical Center
The UNI Botanical Center is home to a diverse collection of plants which are beautifully displayed inside each greenhouse including a cactus, tropical, orchid, two project houses, aquatic and propagation house. Come explore a wide variety of plant species – including some rare species and plants that wouldn’t normally survive in the northern Iowa climate.
Curated display gardens surround the Botanical Center where visitors can find the hosta, daylily and peony collection. Visit often to see the unusual selections from the annual plant sale trialed throughout the gardens.
Guests are always welcome to explore the Botanical Center greenhouses on Monday through Friday** from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The outdoor display gardens are always open for a stroll.
**Visiting hours change to reflect the UNI academic calendar during breaks and holidays as well as some required Friday closures. Call 319-273-2247 for up to the minute visiting hours.

What's in bloom
What's in bloom: Orchid Cactus
Big, cup-shaped blooms in gorgeous colors make orchid cactus a joy to grow. Orchid cactus stems are broad and flat with serrated edges. They'll grow to 2 ft (60 cm) long, and about 2 in (5 cm) wide. Not very showy, but you can count on them to burst into bloom every spring.